Anjana Maharjan Singh
Professor & Academician
Nepal Academy of Science &Technology
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country of residence: Nepal
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Anjana Singh is Professor of Microbiology at the Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. In 2010 she was appointed as an academician of Nepal Academy of Science &Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Nepal. She is involved in various sub committees of NAST for example Biological group, Biotechnology group to aid NAST in developing R&D, policy making and also in various academic activities. She has focused on research works related microbiological research works on water, infectious diseases and plant growth promotional effects.
She has been an Executive member of Special committee of AASSA, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) since 2013. She has actively participated and presented papers at Conference on Second Summit of the South Asian Science Academies & INSA-AASSA Joint Workshop on Women in Science Education and Research, India, 23-27 Sept, 2013; Regional Workshop on Women in Science and Technology Jointly Organised by: AASSA & TÜBA, Ege University Global Network of Science Academies (IAP), Izmir, Turkey, 28-31 May, 2014; 11th AASSA Regional Workshop on “Gender Issues in Science Research and Education”, 26-27 August 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea in conjunction with Gender Summit 6 Asia Pacific 2015, 26-29 August 2015. Further involved in preparation of AASSA SDA report on women in science and technology in Asia. 2015 and worked as one of the panelist on Panel Discussion entitled “Girl Education”, on the occasion of 70th anniversary of USEF (United States Education Foundation) in Nepal organized by USEF and Fulbright Commission, Nepal, March 28th, 2017.
Anjana Singh has been teaching Microbiology subject at department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal since 1994 at Central Department of Microbiology, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. She had been a head of department at Central Department of Microbiology, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal during 2004-2008 and 2012-2016. She received BSc and MSc degrees from Tribhuvan University, a PhD degree from School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New-Delhi, India during 2004 and Post Doctoral from Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health, University of Virginia, USA during 2008-2009. She has served on the Executive of the Nepalese Society of Microbiology (NESOM) 2005-2008. She served as Executive member of Fulbright Alumni Association Nepal (FAAN) since 2010 and at present as Vice President of FAAN.
Anjana Singh has published about total 98 articles of which Peer reviewed journals-38, Books-2, Book chapters-21, General and Proceedings Publications -27, Abstract Published -6, Accepted article-4, many of them with her students (6 PhD students, 93 research masters students) and research colleagues. She has played a dynamic role supporting and mentoring young scientists, especially females.
To her credit she has been honoured by 12 awards. She has received Fulbright Scholarship from United States Government during 2008-2009. She has received Education Award (Shikshya Puraskar), Nepal during 2008 as one of the best teachers. She has been granted International Foundation for Science Grant, Sweden in 2007. She has been honoured by Crown Prince Young Scientist Award, NAST, Khumaltar, Nepal in 2005. She has been awarded couple of awards as she stood first in BSc. She has been granted University Grant Commission Fellowship, Government of India for Ph.D., India, 2000-2004. She received Aishwarya Vidya Padak for standing top among girl students in B. Sc., Nepal, 1990. She has been elected as executive member of WISE for two years from 2017