Noushin Arfatahery
Freie University Berlin
Region: Europe
Country of residence: Germany
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This is a microbiology PhD Student in Rolff Group-Institut Biology/Evolutionsbiology at Freie University Berlin Germany. I am a Member of EAS and WAS. I graduated with a master's in Food Microbiology at the Tehran University of Medical Science in Iran. My thesis title: Characterization of Toxin Genes and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from fishery products in Iran
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My PhD- research project is conducted in collaboration with the Wadden Sea Station of the Alfred Wegner Institute for Polar and Marine Research (https://www.awi.de/en/) and the Charite Hospital (Molecular Microbiology). The project is about the emergence of antimicrobial resistance toward several conventional antibiotics that has triggered the search for antimicrobial agents from marine environments. I investigated the antibacterial activity of sea cucumber extracts against bacteria. Currently, I evaluate experimentally In vitro and in vivo evaluation of induced Vibrio splendidus toward immune response and Crossprotection in oyster Crassostrea Gigas .our results suggest that the primary stimulation of V. splendidus led to immune priming in oysters when encountering the secondary challenge with V. splendidus, in addition, the increased survival of oysters almost certainly by stimulating the immune system in hosts led to prevent vibriosis in the marine oyster. The project has been the final award for Aquaculture Award 2022 UK.
A Young Affiliate of The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (UNESCO-TWAS) 2021-2026.
Please find a report of my research in this link:
auaculturenorthamerica.com/ share-her-story-contributing- to-food-sustainability