Shalini S Arya
Assistant Professor
Institute Of Chemical Technology
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country of residence: India
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Dr Shalini Arya, is currently an Assistant professor of Food Technology at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Member of Executive committee of Global Young Academy (2020-21), Member of Indian National Young Academy-INSA (2019-24)), recipient of various international awards (CNPQ-TWAS Fellow, Malaspina International scholar, Best presenter awardee, best innovative idea presenter awardee), National awardee (AFST Young Scientist award, best thesis awardee) on her credit. She has published more than 80 research papers in journals of high repute and standards. (google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=u85ThpEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate) Total Citations- 1312 H Index – 18. Dr Shalini Arya’s work focuses on the top three SDGs (No poverty, zero hunger and good health) especially in the area of Indian traditional foods, in particular chapatti, phulka, thepla, khakhara, thalipeeth, naan and kulcha. Her work is focused on nutritional improvement and characterisation for these products, all of which would have far reaching significance in improving public health in India and that too based on the resources that are locally available and food staples that are regularly consumed by the locals. Her work on chapatti was recognised during international and national conferences and was awarded with first prize under cereal category. Waste utilisation and bioactive extraction using green techniques and non thermal processing for retention of bioactives is also her area of interest.
India unfortunately becoming capital country for diabetes and cardiovascular affected population and thus developing cost effective product technologies is very necessary. Dr Shalini and her research group have developed Indian traditional food products having low glycaemic index using low cost and locally available ingredients. In addition to this Dr. Shalini has been helping multinational food industries for developing traditional food product technologies for e.g. chapatti, paratha, bhaji, instant food mixes. She has helped industries for developing low glycaemic index formulation, high soluble fiber paratha premixses, high protein atta premix and other healthy low cost nutritious premixes.
Dr Shalini has handled research projects (approximately Indian rupees 2 crores) in the above research areas. She has guided about 60 M Tech Research projects, 8 PhD projects.
Dr Shalini Arya has delivered more than 50 invited lectures on national and international platforms on the technical as well on non-technical subjects. She is also an active science communicator and actively engaged in science outreach activities on national as well as international platforms.