Suwadee Kongparakul
Associate Professor in Department of Chemistry / Deputy Director of Academic Affairs: Bioenergy and Biochemical Refinery Technology Program / Faculty Senate of TU
Thammasat University
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country of residence: Thailand
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- Mentoring
- Mentoring
- Mentoring
- Mentoring
- Mentoring
- Mentoring
- Sitting on boards or committees
- Sitting on boards or committees
- Sitting on boards or committees
- Sitting on boards or committees
- Sitting on boards or committees
- Sitting on boards or committees
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- Providing an expert opinion
- Providing an expert opinion
- Providing an expert opinion
- Providing an expert opinion
- Providing an expert opinion
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- Outreach activities
- Outreach activities
- Outreach activities
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- Conference presenting
- Conference presenting
- Conference presenting
- Conference presenting
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities to collaborate
- Suwadee Kongparakul received her B.Sc. (Honor) in Chemical Technology (Chemical Engineering) in 2003 and Ph.D. in Chemical Technology in 2008 form Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), then worked as a postdoctoral fellowship with Professor Garry L. Rempel at Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada from 2008 to 2010.
- She served in position of lecturer at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand in 2010, then promoted to Assistant Professor in 2012 and Associate Professor in 2018.
- She published 59 articles (h-index 17), 1 patent, and 2 contributed book chapters on functional biomass and biomass valorisation.
- Scopus ID 24074703800
- ORCHID 0000-0002-2005-3244