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Nuchjarin Intalar
Lecturer Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University
Sofia Katzin
Remote/Global Food Technologist - Insect research consultant
Aura C Matias
Professor University of the Philippines Diliman
Bhavani Sridharan
Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching, and Accreditation (ADLTA) Australian Catholic University
Donna Louise Lewis
Curation Lead Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
Chloe Lim
Senior Scientific Evaluator Therapeutic Goods Administration
Myrtille Lacoste
Adj. Research Fellow Curtin University
Sharon Sim
Senior Business Development Manager 360biolabs
Anushka Kahawela
Business Analyst Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Bhuvana Kannan
Science Consultant NanoLayr
Victoria Metcalf
Kaimanaaki Matua Tūhono Hapori Whānui External Engagement Advisor Royal Society Te Apārangi
Alison Pearce
Stream Lead, Health Economics Daffodil Centre, a joint venture between the University of Sydney and Cancer Council NSW
Susan Sly
Director Lueur Pty Ltd
Hema Wadhwa
Remote Operations and Digital Services Manager Worley
Managing Director mexec
Burcin Ozturk Demirhanoz
Global Manager Operational Integration Glencore
Afnan Alostaz
PhD researcher Juelich Research Center- Helmholtz Association
Ruby CY Lin
Business Development Lead The Westmead Institute for Medical Research