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Maria Angelica Leal Leal
Researcher Planetary Sciences and Astrobiology research Group
Karen Massel
Research Fellow University of Queensland
Alsácia Atanásio
CNBB Director National Centre for Biotechnology and Biosciences (CNBB), Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Mozambique, since 2015
Azra Khanum
Fellow Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Associate professor University of Gondar
Ram Devi Tachamo-Shah
Assistant Professor, Dr. Kathmandu University
Alice Hyun Kim
Biostatistician University of Otago
Claire M Cameron
Research Associate Professor University of Otago
Karen Lamb
Co-Head of Biostatistics, Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research University of Melbourne
Mahwish Zeeshan
Lecturer PMAS-Arid Agriculture University
Sonu Gandhi
Scientist - D National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad
Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri
Teaching & Research.mentoring post graduate and PHD Students Indian Instt. Of Engg. Science and Technology
Eqbal Radwan
Research Assistant Islamic University - Gaza
Amanda Alblas
Senior Lecturer Stellenbosch University
Aemi Syazwani Abdul Keyon
Senior lecturer Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tasrina Rabia Choudhury
Principal Scientific Officer Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
Razlin Azman
Research Fellow Crop Production University of Melbourne