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Sofia Katzin
Remote/Global Food Technologist - Insect research consultant
Tendai Thatha
Lecturer National University of Science and Technology
Aranzazu Berbey-Alvarez
Investigadora y docente Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
Bhavani Sridharan
Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching, and Accreditation (ADLTA) Australian Catholic University
Gagandeep Kang
Professor Christian Medical College, Vellore
Aura C Matias
Professor University of the Philippines Diliman
Sandra Pralgauskaitė
Vilnius University senior researcher, assoc. professor
Anushka Kahawela
Business Analyst Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Rebecca Jedwab
Nursing and Midwifery Informatics Monash Health
Mai Hlaing Loh
Proficiency Testing and Reference Materials Coordinator The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)