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Aura C Matias
Professor University of the Philippines Diliman
Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri
Teaching & Research.mentoring post graduate and PHD Students Indian Instt. Of Engg. Science and Technology
Sonu Gandhi
Scientist - D National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad
Heimy Molina
Graduate Engineer Gamuda Australia
Nitsara Karoonuthaisiri
Principal Research Fellow National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Suvaluk Asavasanti
Researcher, Director of Food Engineering Practice School Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Anjana Maharjan Singh
Professor & Academician Nepal Academy of Science &Technology
Pooja Devi
Principal Scientist Central Scientific Instruments Organisation
Felycia Edi Soetaredjo
Vice Dean for Academic, Student and Cooperation Affairs Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University
Supawan Tantayanon
Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Head of Product Development Telefónica
Kadriye Arzum Erdem Gürsan
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry Ege University
Yonina Eldar
Professor Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Yasaman Samadi
PhD Candidate and Researcher RMIT University
Farzaneh Mahmoudi
Early Career Research Fellow CSIRO
Nasim Amiralian
Group Leader The University of Queensland
Nicole Brown
Structural Engineer AECOM
Azra Khanum
Fellow Pakistan Academy of Sciences