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Safa Nassereldin
Presidential Secretary General Al-Quds University
Susan Kreemer Pickford
General Manager WA Engineers Australia
Heimy Molina
Graduate Engineer Gamuda Australia
Nicole Brown
Structural Engineer AECOM
Reshma Shrestha
Teaching and research Department of Geomatics Engineering, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University
Cecília Lopes Xavier Pedro
Supervisora de projectos Química Verde Lab
Nion Sirimongkonlertkun
Instructor Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technolog Chiang Rai
Rajani Ghaju
Researcher Osaka University
Kate Gunther
PhD Student UNSW Medicine & Health
Marli Conradie-Smit
Head: Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Stellenbosch University
Michelle Maugham-Macan
Lecturer University of the Sunshine Coast
Sandra Pralgauskaitė
Vilnius University senior researcher, assoc. professor
Maslin Chotirach
Postdoctoral researcher International Research Network Program (IRN), Chulalongkorn University
Indira Prajuli
Academician Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
Dean of Science Faculty National University of Samoa
Paula Gabriela Echeverría Galindo
Research Assistant Technische Universität Braunschweig
Yonina Eldar
Professor Technion – Israel Institute of Technology