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Fien Goetmaeckers
PhD student Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University
Pawarat Nontasil
Researcher National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Tamsyn E Van Rheenen
Senior Research Fellow and Lab Head University of Melbourne
Sharon Savage
Senior Lecturer University of Newcastle, Australia
Tanya Jane Duckworth
PhD candidate in Neuroscience University of Adelaide
Julia Sarant
Associate Professor The University of Melbourne
Gagandeep Kang
Professor Christian Medical College, Vellore
Beulah Leitch
Associate Professor, Director Neuroscience Programme University Of Otago, NZ
Anita van Zwieten
Lecturer School of Public Health, University of Sydney
Lydia Barnes
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Cambridge
Krista A. Ehinger
Senior Lecturer The University of Melbourne
Kristyn Sommer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Griffith University
Anna Mitchell
Associate Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Madara Valberga - Porozova
Physiotherapist SIA "Vingrojam kopa"
Sharna Jamadar
Associate Professor (Research Turner Institute for Brain & Mental Health; Monash Biomedical Imaging; Monash University
Valentina lorenzetti
Associate Professor Australian Catholic University
Barbora Lekešytė
State Research Institute Center For Innovative Medicine Junior scientist
Amie Hayley
Rebecca L. Cooper Al & Val Rosenstrauss Fellow Swinburne University of Technology