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Nuchjarin Intalar
Lecturer Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University
Donna Louise Lewis
Curation Lead Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
Bushra Farah Nasir
Research Fellow The University of Queensland
Myrtille Lacoste
Adj. Research Fellow Curtin University
Chloe Lim
Senior Scientific Evaluator Therapeutic Goods Administration
Jyoti U Devkota
Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Safa Nassereldin
Presidential Secretary General Al-Quds University
PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145
Ruby CY Lin
Business Development Lead The Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Liana Melikishvili
Corresponding Member Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Anjana Maharjan Singh
Professor & Academician Nepal Academy of Science &Technology
Manuela Jorg
Monash-Newcastle University Research Fellow Monash University
Christine Anne Beveridge
Centre Director Australian Research Council Centre for Plant Success
Nadisha Hermali Silva
Lecturer in Parasitology University of Colombo
Dr Charlotte Birkmanis
Wildlife scientist | Shark researcher | Marine biologist UWA Oceans Institute
Susan Sly
Director Lueur Pty Ltd