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Aura C Matias
Professor University of the Philippines Diliman
Ruby CY Lin
Business Development Lead The Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Wilawan Thongda
Researcher National Science and Technology Development Agency
Elena Grigorieva
Leading Researcher Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch
Gagandeep Kang
Professor Christian Medical College, Vellore
Shalini S Arya
Assistant Professor Institute Of Chemical Technology
Maree L. Hackett
Program Head Mental Health The George Institute for Global Health, UNSW
Karen Lamb
Co-Head of Biostatistics, Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research University of Melbourne
Shinjini Bhatnagar
Professor of Eminence, Head Maternal and Child Health Translational Health Science and Technology Institute
Paige Wood-Kenney
Aboriginal Research Assistant Telethon Kids Institute
Jona Mari Carlos
Sessional Academic Charles Darwin University
Anita Peerson
Knowledge Broker Institute for Water Futures, Australian National University
Naomi Strout
Project Manager, The MothersBabies Study UNSW Microbiome Research Centre
Janni Leung
Research Fellow The University of Queensland
Jacqueline Stephens
Senior Lecturer Flinders University
Sheena G Sullivan
Head of Epidemiology WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza
Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo
Professor University of Ibadan